

Laboratory 1200C Heat Treatment Muffle Furnace Price

Tsanangudzo Pfupi:

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  • Product Description

Murabhoritari Yakakwira Tembiricha Muffle Mafurnaces Ari Kutengeswa

Hunhu:1. unique doordesign, safe and easydooroperation, toensure the high temperature withinthat theheatdoesnotleak.2.high-precisiondigital displaymeter,temperature control systemwithmicrocomputerchip processor with PIDregulation features, timeset,tembiricha mutsauko kugadzirisa, over-temperature alarm nemamwe mabasa, high precision control control.3.The choto mhango inobikwa nepamusoro tembiricha refractoriestoensuredurability.4.gonhi rakanaka kuita kuti kupisa kutyisa kuve kushoma, kuwedzera tembiricha kuwirirana muchoto.5.kaviri-layershelldesign, inodzivirira inoshanda kuneyemukati tembiricha, kuderedza tembiricha yeshell kuti iwane kuchengetedza simba uye kudzivirira kwezvakatipoteredza.Paneri inogadzirwa nesimbi isina ngura, ine ngura-inomira uye inomira pane imwe tembiricha inodzikama. nyore kushanda.

Model Voltage


Rated power


Wave degree yekushisa


Max tembiricha


saizi yebasa


Zvose Zviyero



(2 marita)

220V/50HZ 2.5 ±5 1200 200*120*80 490*400*620

(7 litres)

5 1200 300*200*120 590*460*680

1.High-quality inotonhora inoputira simbi kesi ine spraying pamusoro.Musuwo wakavhurika-musuwo uri nyore kuvhara/kudzima.

2. Choto chepakati-tembiricha chinotora hari yemoto yakavharirwa.Iyo spiral heat component yakagadzirwa nemagetsi anopisa alloy waya coils kumativi ese echoto poto, iyo inovimbisa kuenzana kwekushisa kwechoto uye kurebesa hupenyu hwayo hwesevhisi.

muffle choto

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