Laboratori Kupisa Kuomesa Oven 300C 250c
Product Description Drying Ovens featuring a large window for easy observation. Inogona kushandiswa kuchengeta zviridzwa mushure mekunyora zvinobudirira zvakanyanya kupisa zvinhu zvemukati zvekutadza pombi dzenzvimbo dzevatambi -
Lab kuomesa muchina unopisa mhepo kutenderera kwemhepo yakaoma oven
Chigadzirwa Tsananguro Laborator Roaring Oven (neFan Ventilation) inoshandiswa mumabhizimusi uye miganho yezvinyorwa, zvikamu zvehurongwa zvekuomesa uye kubhejera, kusvetuka uye kurapa nekuporesa. Ndatenda nekushandisa zvigadzirwa zvedu! We will be happy to provide you with the service, and please readthis description carefully before you use. Hunhu: 1.thenshell yakagadzirwa neHhighqualitySteel, thesurfaceis Withelelectat ... -
Kuomesa oven
Product Description Drying Oven laboratory drying oven (with fan ventilation) Uses: The drying oven is used in industrial and mining enterprises, research institutes, medical and health units for drying and baking, wax-melting, sterilization and curing. Hunhu: 1 Iyo yekunze ndeyekutarisa hwindo rekutarisa, iyo inogona kutarisa iyo yekudziya kwezvinhu chero ... - Chigadzirwa Tsanangudzo Laborator Inopisa Mhepo yekupisa kupisa oven inoshandisa: iyo max tembiricha yekupisa kupisa oveni ndeye 300 ° C, kune dzakasiyana siyana dzekutarisa zvinhu. Inokodzera kubheka, kuomesa, kupisa kupisa uye kumwe kupisa (But it does not apply to the place volatile matter in the oven, so as not to cause explosion). Hunhu: 1
Laboratori inogara ichidzvinyirira oven ese saizi
Product Description Laboratory Constant Temperature desktop Drying Oven Characteristics: 1. The high temperature electrothermicblast type drying oven consists of the chamber, temperature control system,the blastcirculatorysystem. 2. Iyo Sheel admtheght inotonhora inotonhora yakadzika mahwendefa, iyo Ponstisis Withhelelelelectatic Spray.Muto wemukati unogamuchira yakakwirira mhando simbi. 3. Iyo inotora dombowoolto kugara nehondo iyo yemukati mudziyo uye ganda. 4. Thete ...